
Rex Rez Promo Single Out Now


The Final FINAL Promotional Single for Darkness is done, with a week to spare!

I Always liked "Rex Rez", since I made it way back in January, but, at 2:51 in length, I never thought that I would bother making a single for it.

Well, Recently I made a new track called "Mad Max", and I was going to make an EP with that track and a few others i've been working on, but then I thought "oh, that name is simmilar to Rex Rez...what about making it a b-side Instead?". Encouraged by my girlfriend, I went ahead with that Idea.

The track itself is a slight departure from my signature Dark DJ House style, with a slightly crazier edge to it, and alot more filtering than I have ever done before! I'm hoping this track becomes popular, because I really have been trying to make this album and it's singles differen from my older stuff :).

Without Further Ado, here is the download link:

Dark DJ Presents: "Rex Rez".

And the tracklist:

01 Rex Rez

02 Rex Rezzed

03 Mad Max

Enjoy, and if you like, please comment!




Well, I did'nt get chosen to be the new Ilictronix Blog staff writer...But oh well, Probably would'nt be any good at it anyways...Congrats to NiteShade though, for becoming the new writer, looking forward to your posts!

Although I'm a little disappointed, I probably would'nt do a better job, But saying that, I am probably going to do my own review-esque things here...

Ahem, Anyway, On to the funkier news, Guess what finally came in the post yesterday?



I've been waiting for that for ages now :] And it's Legendary. Although the entire CD is just essentially short versions of the tracks, it keeps the whole album fresh by giving small chunks of action rather than having only 12 tracks of 6 minutes in lenght, which could get rather boring I recon...

Now I finally have both compilations, on top of all the crydamoure releases digital, So i'm a happy chappy!

Waves 1&2