
Why Should I Care?

Lately I've been wondering if anyone really reads this blog. But what's bugging me is this: Why should I care if people don't read this?

I've already been shunned by most of the musical communities I come from, but why should I stop expressing myself? Yes, sometimes I feel like giving up, but that's because I get no encouragement from anyone nowadays, and that upsets me sometimes.

But I guess I still try to make music because I enjoy it. And I will still use this blog to update on what i'm doing, no matter who reads it, because I recon, deep down, I only use this blog for myself.

If anyone out there has anything to say, please feel free to comment.



  1. I can see where you're coming from, as it can be quite discouraging when nobody gives a second thought to your hard work. All I can recommend is that you say "Screw you!" to the world and do what makes you happy. As long as you enjoy making music, don't let lack of attention stop you from going any further. If it's more attention you want, I'd suggest trying to release more stuff on labels or spreading it around to other people.

  2. actually it's funny because "Why should I care" is a title of Sounds like Johnny Depp song :D
