
My Next Project: "Oblivion"

For those of you who actually follow anything I say, you may remember that a while back I mentioned "Oblivion", but never gave a satisfactory explaination for it.

Well, It's pretty much going to be my next Album, but, instead of new material, Im gonna pull off something inspired by Daft Punk's "Alive 2007" tour. As in, a "Live Remix Album".

Basically, I'll be making two different sets. One will be the "Album Live Set", as in the one I will physically release, Pre-Mixed. The other will be the "Blank Live Set", with no mixing / filtering done to it, which I could use if I ever play my music live anywhere. For those of you who remember my terrible "Live Mixes" of 2008, this is gonna be nothing like it!

I'll be utilising my most recent material for this, Including tracks from "Land's End" and "Darkness". I will also be using some older material, from my 2007/2008 albums and eps, as well as some music I composed that did'nt make it onto any of my official "Releases".

When I first started to come up with the idea of a mix, I created a piece of music that would have been perfect as an opener. That composition evolved into this:

Dark DJ - "The Theme Park", Track 09 from "Dark Chronicles", 2008.

Which itself is on my "Dark Chronicles" Odd-ends album. I can still potentially use this as the opener with some tweaks, unless I can think of something a little more unusual.

I'll probably post something in the near future as an example of what I'm going to try and achieve, so check back often!

And as I'm feeling a little generous, here is a track that did'nt make it to "Darkness", But may be utilised for "Oblivion":

Dark DJ - "Numbers", Unreleased Track

Sorry for the long post, but please Check back soon for updates!



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