
An Introduction?

Welcome to the Dark DJ Blog.

My real name is Tom, but most people online know me as Dark DJ, Though most peoples call me "Dark" or "DDJ".
The majority of this blog will be based around my current Dark DJ music projects, Including My Currently In Production Album, "Darkness", and My Mix Project, "Oblivion 2009".

I'm not going to fill this intro with loads of back story, so that, Ladies and Gentlemen of the online world, is more or less all you need to know right now.

Enjoy the blog.


  1. Good for you, setting up a blog! I'll be sure to keep posted on all the latest Dark news!

  2. I could never do a blog, it's too much effort for me! XD

    Yeah, good for you Dark! Added this to my Favourites, I'll be sure to check it regularly.
