And it comes with a bit of a revision to my latest updates. I've narrowed down my new music projects to just a few items:
For Phantom Record's newly formed project, "Phantom Anthems", I have decided to pull the "Go Outside" ep, and use said track for this project. I'm going to go over the track once more and tweak it to see if it can be improved before finalising it.
Also for Phantom Records, I have begun work on my next full release. This is as of yet unnamed, but i am planning to reelase 2 pre release and 2 post release singles with this.
For the label that I am co-CEO of, "Get Some! Records", I am putting together a "Remakes" album, which will consist of remakes and remixes of some of my older tracks, such as "Abomination" and "Asphalt Assault".
As a final note, I thought i'd add this little example of how I can sometimes integrate my hobbys:
Firstly, apologies for the rubbishness of the picture, I have uploaded another one on my Photobucket account if you want to have a better look.
This is a reskin of a steam locomotive for MSTS, which is operating on my fictional company "Dark Railways". See the link already? It is also named "Gammacords", a reference to one of the creepiest tracks I ever made.
The railways link goes even further too, because some of my tracks on 2010 are named after steam locomotives ("257 Squadron", "Tangmere" and Bellerophon" being prominent examples.)
Until laters,