So i've taken some advice and decided to do a remix album for "2010"...
Basically, I will need remixes of each track on the album, from "Craptastic" right through to "True Fax". Only the best/most interesting will make it onto the album!
Basically, the rules are to contact me (either email if you have me or ask for it, commenting this post, or through any of the links on the side of the blog) and ask for the sample pack of your choice.
Once you have recieved the pack, and remixed the song, send it back to me privately and I will have a listen and get back to you as soon as possible.
Each remix has to be at 320kbps, but I can convert it if needs be. All remixes have to be done by the 16th May 2010.
Sorry if this post seems rushed or awkwardly written, But i've got alot of things to do right now, and have to finish another post. I hope to get some responses to this post, and would love to hear some remixes soon.
One last thing I Must admit though, I already have an Ace remix of "257 Squadron" that will more than likely be featured, and "Tangmere" remixes will be used for it's respective single, so plase ask for tracks other than these.